2024 Family Medicine Residency Showcase Virtual Series

What are the FMR Showcase Virtual Events?
For the fifth consecutive year, the Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) will offer virtual meetings to introduce interested medical students and others to the many outstanding Family Medicine Residency Programs in the northeast U.S. Faculty in family medicine residency programs present on an emerging and exciting topic in family medicine, while also spotlighting their residency programs and what makes them strong and unique.

The webinar series was a success in 2023, with 8 sessions presented by 6 unique health systems. Over 330 medical students and others registered to hear about these residency programs and issues like women in medicine, lifestyle medicine, obstetrics, fellowship opportunities, and more! The medical students loved it because they could get up close and personal with the faculty and residents from a program they wanted to check out. The program directors loved it because they could communicate with 15 – 25 students at one time. It also allowed the program to share with the students aspects of their programs that are especially strong (i.e. delivering babies, procedures, wilderness medicine, corrections medicine, etc.)

When are the FMR Showcase Virtual Events?
The schedule is below, along with links to register. Sessions are held midweek at 6pm Eastern. The Showcases webinars are free, but you must register, and registration is quick and easy. 

Please reach out to Scott Allen at [email protected] with questions.

2024 Family Medicine Residency Showcase Virtual Series - Recordings

Thursday, September 12, 2024
Maternity Care in Family Medicine, Lancaster General Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program
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Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Dermatology, Forbes Family Medicine - Allegheny Health Network
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Thursday, August 29, 2024
Comprehensive Family Medicine, Forbes Family Medicine - Allegheny Health Network
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Wednesday, August 28, 2024
How to Ace a Virtual Interview, Meritus Family Medicine Residency Program
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Tuesday, August 6, 2024
HIV Care in Family Medicine, Lancaster General Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program
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