Bright Spots of Innovation in Family Medicine/primary care Be sure to subscribe to the FMEC Podcast through your podcast app. Since 2008 the FMEC has been finding and highlighting innovators who have created primary care driven solutions. These solutions demonstrate the potential of Family Medicine/primary care to revolutionize care delivery. We invite those looking for solutions that can improve the health of a community to join us for our annual Healthcare Innovators Network meeting held in conjunction with the FMEC Annual meeting. In response to the epidemic facing our nation, we are also sharing podcast/interviews and webinars with the innovators through this webpage. There is a tendency in the U.S. to act as though hospitals, ICU beds and ventilators are the most critical elements in a response to the crisis. We believe an effective primary care delivery system is the primary response. The more robust our primary care systems, the fewer people will seek care in an emergency room and the hospital and the fewer people who need ventilators. The resources listed below can help those looking to learn about the potential of Family Medicine/primary care to improve the health of the nation. |