About the FMEC Healthcare Innovator’s Network

Every day in hospitals, health systems and clinics, innovation is driving the primary care sector to new heights. When primary care practitioners improve service delivery and impact of care, the entire health system benefits. Many healthcare providers are investing time and energy in developing new tools and services which, if highlighted and spread, could improve care and reduce cost. 

The FMEC is committed to promoting innovations in family medicine and primary care to medical and residency training programs who can incorporate them into learning; to other clinicians who may adapt and spread them; and to business partners who can take innovations to market. 

Since 2008, the FMEC has hosted the Healthcare Innovator’s Network during its Annual Meeting to provide a medium for these groups to showcase their work and receive useful feedback. Faculty, residents and others who attend become inspired to try out new approaches in their teaching and practice. Medical students and young physicians become energized about family medicine when exposed to thought leaders and cutting edge practices. The session also provides a place for employers, union leaders, hospital administrators, investors and others looking to improve care delivery and reduce costs to learn about innovations. 

Presentations at the Healthcare Innovator’s Network have led to the FMEC and the family medicine field advancing Direct Primary Care, Integrative Health, and more. 

2024 Healthcare Innovator’s Network Presentations - The Revolution has Begun (If You Know Where to Look)

  1. Addressing the Social Determinants of Health: Strengthening the Social Services in Your Community, Jeffrey Brenner, MD
  2. Moving from Fee-for-Service to Advanced Primary Care with Full Risk PaymentScott Conard, MD, DABFP, FAAFM, DABHM; Alan Roth, DO; Luigi Tullo, MD
  3. Blueprint for an Innovation Clinic to Advance Primary Care through Technology and Education, Allyssa Abel, MD, MPH, Matthew Sakumoto, MD, Michael Hobbs, MD, Minoo D'Cruz, MD, Paulius Mui, MD
  4. Phyx Primary Care, Edmund Billings, MD
  5. Building New Medical Schools and Healthcare Facilities, Len Fromer, MD
  6. Primary Care for All Americans: A Movement to Create a Primary Care Driving System in the US, Michael Fine, MD
  7. Community Owned Health Plan (update), Bryce Heinbaugh, MBA
  8. Getting Feedback from Patients Can be EASY: Effective, Affordable, Secure and Yours, Rebecca Etz, PhD
  9. Community Health Worker Academy/Primary Health Network, George Garro, MD, Robert Motley, MD

2023 Healthcare Innovator’s Network Presentations

For a link to the one-page summary of each talk, click on the talk title. To see the videos of the presentations, visit the FMEC 2023 Healthcare Innovators Network YouTube Playlist.

  1. Health System Change, Laurence Bauer, MSW, MEd
  2. Moving from Fee-for-Service to Advanced Primary Care with Full Risk Payment, Scott Conard, MD, DABFP, FAAFM, DABHM; Alan Roth, DO; Luigi Tullo, MD
  3. One Medical: A Human Centered, Technology Powered Approach to Developing Sustainable and Scalable High Functioning Primary Care, Wendy B. Barr, MD, MPH, MSCE, FAAFP
  4. Vision 2023: Embracing Change and Driving Growth, Daniel McCarter, MD; Faisel Syed, MD
  5. Growing the Direct Primary Care Model with a Wrap Around Insurance Product, Michael Fine, MD
  6. A Community Owned Health Plan, Mr. Bryce Heinbaugh; Casey Billington, RN, BSN, CCTC
  7. Vital: Breaking Down Information Silos, Optimizing User Experience, and Increasing Operational Efficiencies in an ER, Justin Schrager, MD, MPH
  8. Socially Responsible Investing in Healthcare Infrastructure in Medically Underserved AreasLen Fromer, MD
  9. Brown University Department of Family Medicine: Innovation HighlightsPopulation Health, Jeffrey Borkan, MD, PhD
  10. The Michigan Collaborative for Type 2 Diabetes: Focusing on Communication Design, Caroline Richardson, MD
  11. Let's Regrow Our FM Scope of Practice Using Project ECHO and Achieve Tuberculosis Elimination in the U.S., Daria Szkwarko, DO, MPH
  12. Transforming Clinical Care at the Front Line Across the World: Focus Pocus, Kevin Bergman, MD; Mena Ramos, MD
  13. Relentless Health Value, Stacey Richter
  14. The Win-Win-Win of Scaling Lifestyle Medicine Group Medical Visits, Jacob Mirsky, MD
  15. Whole Person Care, What it is, and Why it’s Important, Wayne Jonas, MD

The FMEC thanks Michael P. Smith, MS, Associate Director of Admissions, UMass Chan Medical School for assistance writing up the presentations.

 2022 Healthcare Innovators Network Agenda (recordings below)

2021 Innovators Network Agenda (written summaries below)

Other recent Innovator’s Network Agendas are linked below.

2019 Innovator’s Network Agenda
2018 Innovator’s Network Agenda
2017 Innovator's Network Agenda