FMEC Faculty Development

The FMEC Board of Trustees created the Faculty Development Committee in 2024. Chaired by Dr. Gretchen Shelesky of UPMC St. Margaret, the group is meeting virtually ever 2-3 months to help FMEC members advance faculty development. Recognizing the wealth of resources from STFM and others, the group is seeking to fill gaps, address emerging topics, and create connections between faculty in the FMEC’s northeast U.S. region.

Initial brainstorming yielded the following topics the group might address. If you have topics you’d like to see FMEC address, contact Scott Allen ([email protected]) or Dr. Shelesky ([email protected]).

  • Development of equitable individual learning plans (ILPs
  • Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in training, delivering feedback, and more
  • Training and supporting new and younger faculty, and educators new to family medicine
  • Motivation, or lack thereof, for faculty to do quality work
  • Resources for career development, such as moving from assistant to associate professor, or how to excel in your current position
  • Supporting scholarly activity at both the resident and faculty level.
  • Technology that faculty need to be trained on and be able to teach
  • Tailoring content to regional needs that arise via the ACGME programmatic survey.
  • Basic training and tools on how to teach, and the importance of interactivity, games, discussion techniques, etc.
  • Creating a resource library for tools not available elsewhere

Committee members are listed below, along with email addresses to facilitate networking. To join the committee, contact Scott Allen ([email protected]).

Gretchen Shelesky, MD (Chair), Director, Faculty Development Fellowship Program; Associate Program Director, Family Medicine Residency Program; Director, Private Practice Initiative, UPMC St. Margaret, [email protected]

Munish Bakshi, MD, Associate Program Director, Temple Northwest Family Medicine Residency, [email protected]

Raghda Bchech, MD, AAHIVS, Core Faculty, Site Clerkship Director, Bayhealth Family Medicine Residency, [email protected]

Don Beckstead, MD, Program Director, UPMC Altoona, [email protected]

Anthony F. Brine, PsyD, Assistant Program Director, Family Medicine Residency at St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital, [email protected]

William Callahan, DO, Assistant Director, TJU Abington Family Medicine Residency Program, [email protected]

Greg Castelli, PharmD, Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh Family Medicine, [email protected]

Nicole E. Delgado-Salisbury, EdD, Behavioral Health Faculty, New York Medical College at Saint Joseph's Family Medicine Residency Program, [email protected]

Charles S. Hackett, MD, FAAFP, Associate Program Director, Brown Family Medicine Residency, Assistant Professor of Family Medicine, Clinician Educator, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, [email protected]

Crystal Marquez, MD, Department of Family and Community Medicine, SUNY Downstate, [email protected]

Kathryn A. McKenna, MD, MPH, Associate Director, Family Medicine Residency Program, Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, [email protected]

Kaitlin O'Malley, MD, Temple Health - Temple University Health System, [email protected] 

Timothy D. Pelkowski, MD, MS, FAAFP, Program Director, AHN Saint Vincent Hospital, Saint Vincent Family Medicine Residency Program, [email protected]

Katerina Valavanis, MD, Lehigh Valley Health Network, [email protected]